EP 6 - Blog Image-1

How can technology advisors provide effective, affordable solutions that help customers realize their business objectives? 

On episode 6 of The Channel Champions Podcast, Man Wong, Managing Partner, and Josh Mitchell, Partner at Arkitech Group, share their thoughts. Arkitech Group are a technology advisory and IT services company, focused on identifying and developing the best technology solutions, at the lowest prices, to help their customers realize their goals. 


Man and Josh outline their focuses as a company, the solutions and problems customers are talking about most and how they set out to help customers meet their potential


Listen to the podcast below or keep reading for the top takeaways. 

The discovery process for customers 


The discovery process is crucial for technology advisors to ascertain what their customers are aiming to achieve. But what are the first steps to take? 


Man said he gets on a call with the customer to understand the specifics of their systems and what they want from their new technology.  


Josh added that the deep discovery call is the crucial first step, then based on that discovery, the findings are documented, assessed, and Arkitech find the right supplier to help their customer upgrade. 


Should the discovery process start at C-level or IT leadership? 


It’s evident the discovery process is key to technology advisors identifying a customer’s needs and objectives. But where should the conversation start? 


Josh said the C-suite are often not involved at technology level, meaning their technical staff are the best port of call. The C-level staff will still be involved in the process, so it’s important to keep them in the loop. 


However, Man shared why there are benefits to approaching the C-level first. When customers want to make technological advancements, it’s often down to cost, legacy systems being in place or keeping up with their plans to move forward, so having top management involved is necessary. 


Man said he starts conversations at the top and trickles the discussion down to “the doers” – the technology staff working on the replacements. 


How technology advisors can build customer trust and rapport 


Josh believes staying ahead of the game when it comes to technology shifts and trends is key to sustaining a strong relationship with customers. 


The last thing you want is for a customer to approach you with a problem you’re not sure how to solve. Stay on top of trends and you will gain the trust of your customers, plus they’re more likely to ask for your services again.  


He said he gathers the perspectives of a handful of customers when brushing up his knowledge on new technology. Man backed up this idea, saying it’s vital to take a seat at the customers’ side of the table. 


To hear more on how technology advisors can provide valuable, affordable solutions to customers and help them hit business goals, listen to the full episode today. 

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