Jon Arnold

How do independent analysts differ from channel advisors? 

In this episode of The Channel Champions Podcast, we hear a slightly different perspective on the channel. As an independent analyst, Jon Arnold offers consultancy services and counsel on a variety of technologies and solutions that businesses need help with.  


He explores the benefits of being independent, why we need more younger people to join the channel as independents, and his predictions for the future. We also hear how Jon first got started in the channel, plus his insights into how the buying process is changing all the time

Read more for some of the top insights or tune in to the full episode below. 

Integrity is everything in the consultancy world 


Any business can write white papers or blog posts, but sometimes it can feel like a sales pitch. The benefit of being an independent in the channel is that you’re not swayed to one particular solution. This means that you’re much more likely to be believed when you offer advice.  

For Jon, integrity is everything for an independent analyst – and that’s why he believes they play an important role in the channel for end customers.  


Not enough younger analysts are coming into the channel 


The independent analyst community is fairly small already, but Jon worries that not enough younger analysts are joining the ranks as independents. As an independent, you can bring trust and integrity to the channel because you’re not trying to push any particular solution for financial gain. 

It’s part of what makes the channel more honest, Jon says. But if not enough younger people are following Jon and others like him in the channel, this could change the way customers buy solutions and get advice. It’s likely that the bigger players will take the market share, and this leaves customers with less choice when it comes to getting advice.  


Don’t get too comfortable 


As Jon puts it, the “tech story never stands still.” There’s always something new coming, whether it’s the technology itself, the way the channel operates, or the way customers buy and research solutions. 

The best thing that anyone operating in the channel can do is be open-minded and prepare for these inevitable changes.  

However, one thing that won’t change is that customers will always want to feel valued by the brands they buy from. If you’re selling or providing advice, think about how to elevate beyond that transactional relationship and add true value. 

To learn more from Jon, check out the full episode today. 


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